Mapper input Key-Value pair in Hadoop Mapper input Key-Value pair in Hadoop hadoop hadoop

Mapper input Key-Value pair in Hadoop

The input to the mapper depends on what InputFormat is used. The InputFormat is responsible for reading the incoming data and shaping it into whatever format the Mapper expects.The default InputFormat is TextInputFormat, which extends FileInputFormat<LongWritable, Text>.

If you do not change the InputFormat, using a Mapper with different Key-Value type signature than <LongWritable, Text> will cause this error. If you expect <Text, Text> input, you will have to choose an appropiate InputFormat. You can set the InputFormat in Job setup:


And like I said, by default this is set to TextInputFormat.

Now, let's say your input data is a bunch of newline-separated records delimited by a comma:

  • "A,value1"
  • "B,value2"

If you want the input key to the mapper to be ("A", "value1"), ("B", "value2") you will have to implement a custom InputFormat and RecordReader with the <Text, Text> signature. Fortunately, this is pretty easy. There is an example here and probably a few examples floating around StackOverflow as well.

In short, add a class which extends FileInputFormat<Text, Text> and a class which extends RecordReader<Text, Text>. Override the FileInputFormat#getRecordReader method, and have it return an instance of your custom RecordReader.

Then you will have to implement the required RecordReader logic. The simplest way to do this is to create an instance of LineRecordReader in your custom RecordReader, and delegate all basic responsibilities to this instance. In the getCurrentKey and getCurrentValue-methods you will implement the logic for extracting the comma delimited Text contents by calling LineRecordReader#getCurrentValue and splitting it on comma.

Finally, set your new InputFormat as Job InputFormat as shown after the second paragraph above.

In the book "Hadoop: The Difinitive Guide" by Tom White I think he has an appropriate answer to this(pg. 197):

"TextInputFormat’s keys, being simply the offset within the file, are not normally veryuseful. It is common for each line in a file to be a key-value pair, separated by a delimitersuch as a tab character. For example, this is the output produced by TextOutputFormat, Hadoop’s default OutputFormat. To interpret such files correctly, KeyValueTextInputFormat is appropriate.

You can specify the separator via the property. Itis a tab character by default."

Key for Mapper Input will always be a Integer type....the mapper input key indicates the line's offset no. and the values indicates the whole line ......record reader reads a single line in first cycle. And o/p of the mapper can be whatever u want (it can be (Text,Text) or (Text, IntWritable) or ......)