Oozie Sqoop Job Oozie Sqoop Job hadoop hadoop

Oozie Sqoop Job

When you are executing Sqoop using shell (for example Bash or ZSH), you need to manually escape the arguments, so that the shell won't alter them. In your example you've put the JDBC URL into quotes, so that the semicolon won't be interpreted as end of the command. As Oozie is not using shell for calling Sqoop, those escape characters are not valid. Therefore you should remove the escaping introduced for the shell in the oozie workflow.


<command>import --connect jdbc:sqlserver://host;username=sqoopimport;password=password;database=db1 --table t1--target-dir /user/root/sqoop-import/tmp/t1</command>

Also please note that it's recommended to use the arguments --username and --password instead of the same named properties in JDBC URL.

try giving --driver com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver in your arguments> Also make sure you have MS SQL Server JDBC jar present in the classpath.