Package org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf empty Package org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf empty hadoop hadoop

Package org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf empty

You cannot find any Java files under these packages in the hadoop source code repository. Java files under this packages will be generated by protoc compiler

When you execute maven install mvn install -DskipTests protoc compiler will generate the corresponding .java files

For Setting up hadoop build environment, refer the following link

Install native libraries Install protobuf etc. Refer above link for detailed information

Once you successfully execute the command mvn install -DskipTests you can see the java files under protobuf packages

Try cd to path "/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/test/proto" and execute following command:protoc --java_out=../java *.proto. Please note that you should have protocol buffers (A Google project) properly installed, which you may simply get from github.

The protobuf related java files are in your ${}/generated-sources/java, where in my condition is <module_path>/target.So the full path is <module_path>/target/generated-sources/java. I use Intellij idea, after I marking the aforementioned full path as sources root, everything is ok. In your contition, you can try to mark <your_hadoop_project_root_path>/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/target/generated-sources/java as sources root.