Problem starting tasktracker in hadoop under windows Problem starting tasktracker in hadoop under windows hadoop hadoop

Problem starting tasktracker in hadoop under windows

I was running into this issue on an installation of 1.0.3 on Windows server. I changed the default directory in hdfs-site.xml so that the directory that hadoop creates for the dfs is a subdir of the cygwin directory like this...


 <property>    <name></name>    <value>c:/cygwin/usr/mydir/dfs/logs</value> </property> <property>    <name></name>    <value>c:/cygwin/usr/mydir/dfs/data</value> </property></configuration>

This seemed to resolve the problem.

The apache documentation for the config files is here

Use this change owner of hadoop-Admininstrator folder. You can use chown command for that.