Python 2.7.6 Pydoop installation fail on Ubuntu Python 2.7.6 Pydoop installation fail on Ubuntu hadoop hadoop

Python 2.7.6 Pydoop installation fail on Ubuntu

Try this:

sudo sh -c "ls ; export HADOOP_HOME=/yourpathtohadoopinstallation/; export JAVA_HOME=/yourpathtojavainstallation/; pip install pydoop"

That did the trick for me

Update /etc/profile and set HADOOP_HOME and JAVA_HOME. Once /etc/profile has been updated, log out and log back in.

Now run sudo -E pip install pydoop

The -E preserves the environment

See for more information

Since I can't comment on the answer posted by saseaturtle. I put it here.

I met the exactly same problem at first, pydoop complain about can't find HADOOP_HOME and HADOOP_PREFIX while these two field are just there and the following command can show their value correctly.


I tried the solution posted by saseaturtle, but pydoop complain about missing javac this time though type javac in shell can show correct feedback and all those $JAVA_HOME or $JAVA_LIB environment are set correctly.

Finally I successfully installed pydoop by using the following command:

sudo sh -c "export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_92/bin:$PATH; export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop-2.6.3; export JAVA_HOME=/home/why/download/jdk1.8.0_92; pip install pydoop"

My guess is that all the above problem came from environment setting since the command was run as sudo. The root user may not have those needed enviroment variables set as the current the user and that's why adding some export command solve the problem.