Python Script timeout error Ambari Python Script timeout error Ambari hadoop hadoop

Python Script timeout error Ambari

With Ambari 2.2 (HDP2.3.4.0) i'm seing the same issue:

Python script has been killed due to timeout after waiting 1800 secs

Can be solved by setting the timeout (agent.package.install.task.timeout=1800) in /etc/ambari-server/conf/


I have solved this issue,

Its the problem with the servers where all these packages are downloading. When the response from these servers are taking too much time causes this error. Even though this error is not a problem maker. You can try some other mirrors to install the package or manually you can install in your host. After that ambari will check whether its properly installed or not. If it found to be installed properly it will automatically try to install the next package which is in the queue.

I resolved it by adding

[security] force_https_protocol=PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2

to /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini file and it worked fine.