Reading oozie capture-output element using oozie java api Reading oozie capture-output element using oozie java api hadoop hadoop

Reading oozie capture-output element using oozie java api

Shell action capture-output is written as Properties in action data field ( This can be accessed via Oozie REST Api.

I did some test with curl and it is there:

curl http://host:11000/oozie/v1/job/job-id?show=info

Response fragment:

{   //(...)   "actions": [     {       //(...)       "data": "#\n#Tue May 15 15:04:48 EEST 2018\nfoo=bar\n"     }   ]}

This was an action with shell script echo "foo=bar".

Since OozieClient is a wrapper over this API, something like this should work:

WorkflowJob job = oozieClient.getJobInfo("oozie-wf-id");String data = job.getActions().stream()        .filter(action -> "shell-5ed8".equals(action.getName()))        .map(WorkflowAction::getData)        .findFirst().orElse("");Properties actionProperties = new Properties();actionProperties.load(new StringReader(data));