Run a sqoop job on a specific queue Run a sqoop job on a specific queue hadoop hadoop

Run a sqoop job on a specific queue

I think you have an error in your command


note queuename one word and the order, based on the documentation, vm args need to go directly after the import.

Generic Hadoop command-line arguments: (must preceed any tool-specific arguments) Generic options supported are -conf specify an application configuration file -D use value for given property

sqoop job -Dmapred.job.queuename=shortduration \         --create myjob \         -- import  \         --connect jdbc:teradata://RCT/DATABASE=MYDB \         --driver com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver \         --username DBUSER -P \         --query "$query" \         --target-dir /data/source/dest/$i \         --check-column DAT_CRN_AGG \         --incremental  append \         --last-value 2001-01-01 \         --split-by NUM_CTR

you might just want to try it with the import tool to see if it is working correctly then do the job command ie

sqoop import -Dmapred.job.queuename=shortduration \         --connect jdbc:teradata://RCT/DATABASE=MYDB \         --driver com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver \         --username DBUSER -P \         --query "$query" \         --target-dir /data/source/dest/$i \         --check-column DAT_CRN_AGG \         --incremental  append \         --last-value 2001-01-01 \         --split-by NUM_CTR