Run first Hadoop (on unix) program (on Windows 7) Run first Hadoop (on unix) program (on Windows 7) hadoop hadoop

Run first Hadoop (on unix) program (on Windows 7)

For the tutorial you're using you should be running this on your Hadoop machine. If you want to run it from another machine you can but if it is Windows you will likely have trouble since the Libraries are built on Linux.

To run a job remotely you could do the following to get started. You will need to put a little effort into Job configuration.

  • Install the core Hadoop Jar and libraries needed on the Windows machine. You could use a Web Application for this.
  • Then build your code that will configure and call the Job. This will be straight forward with the exception of needing to set the following values in order for the Job to find the correct HDFS and Map Reducer

    conf.set("mapred.job.tracker", "192.168.x.x:54311");

    conf.set("", "hdfs://192.168.x.x:54310");

You will need more code than this so read up on Hadoop API here

EDIT: The input file should be placed on or moved into the HDFS file system that is defined within the hdfs-site.xml. If you have not formatted the HDFS file system you will need to do that first. Take a look at the HDFS user guide HERE for more details.

Lastly, if you need additional help you will have to post the code you're trying to run and the error output as well.

Good luck,Pat