Running shell script from oozie through Hue Running shell script from oozie through Hue hadoop hadoop

Running shell script from oozie through Hue

You need add file "" in oozie shell step. In add files

I think you are creating the file from windows machine which is adding extra line break characters.You need to convert the shell script file to Unix format.I also faced the same issue.Then I created the file from a Linux system and it started working.The error is misguiding.

I want to extend the @SergioRG answer. Oozie, at least with Cloudera's Hue interface is very counterintuitive.

To run a script file, three conditions should be met:

  1. the file is on the HDFS file system, in a folder accessible by Oozie
  2. the file should be indicated in the shell command field
  3. the file should be added with any other dependent file in the "Files+" part of the task card.

How to add files in the Oozie Hue interface

I wonder why they didn't add by default the script file you are calling.

Edit: please also check in advanced options (the gear in the left upper corner) if you need to set the path variable (eg. PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin).