Securely transferring data from HDFS to amazon S3 using distcp Securely transferring data from HDFS to amazon S3 using distcp hadoop hadoop

Securely transferring data from HDFS to amazon S3 using distcp

I don't think S3 client side encryption is available yet in Hadoop.

It seems like S3 server side encryption (encrypting data at rest at S3's end) is configurable from Hadoop 2.5.0.

To enable it add the following property in core-site.xml:

<property>  <name>fs.s3n.server-side-encryption-algorithm</name>  <value> AES256 </value>  <description>    Specify a server-side encryption algorithm for S3.    The default is NULL, and the only other currently allowable value is AES256.  </description></property>

More information about S3 server side encryption Hadoop-10568.