Something goes wrong with the SSH while setting up hadoop Something goes wrong with the SSH while setting up hadoop hadoop hadoop

Something goes wrong with the SSH while setting up hadoop

You have setup password-less ssh for only your current account. Since, when you can use ssh localhost without any problem, the thing you need to do next is giving execution permission to your scripts. Execute the following commands:

chmod +x bin/*.sh  ---> assigns execution permission to all the scripts./start.all        ----> executes the script

Note: Hadoop can also be run without having password-less ssh setup using script. The only advantage with password-less ssh is that, the ./start.all, script will take the trouble of doing that on behalf of you in each of the nodes.

You need to change permissions for your Hadoop folder to be owned by the hadoop00 user:

cd /usr/local/sudo chown -R hadoop00:hadoop00 /usr/local/hadoop

Then you can cd into the sbin folder and run things without sudo. If you use sudo you're running the scripts as root which has different environment variables etc which is why you have a different behavior.

Why are you using sudo this is clearly a permission problem.

Try running this without sudo
