Storing mapreduce intermediate output on a remote server Storing mapreduce intermediate output on a remote server hadoop hadoop

Storing mapreduce intermediate output on a remote server

I am not very sure about about this but as per the link ( it says that:

The local directory is a directory where MapReduce stores intermediate data files. May be a comma-separated list of directories on different devices in order to spread disk i/o. Directories that do not exist are ignored.

Also there are some other properties which you should check out. These might be of help:

  1. mapreduce.tasktracker.local.dir.minspacestart: If the space in mapreduce.cluster.local.dir drops under this, do not ask for more tasks. Value in bytes

  2. mapreduce.tasktracker.local.dir.minspacekill: If the space in mapreduce.cluster.local.dir drops under this, do not ask more tasks until all the current ones have finished and cleaned up. Also, to save the rest of the tasks we have running, kill one of them, to clean up some space. Start with the reduce tasks, then go with the ones that have finished the least. Value in bytes.

The solution was to use the iSCSI technology. A technician helped us out to achieve that, so unfortunately I am not able to provide more details on that.

We mounted the remote disk to a local path (/mnt/disk) of each slave node, and created a tmp file there, with rwx priviledges for all users.

Then, we changed the $HADOOP_HOME/conf/mapred-site.xml file and added the property:

<property>    <name>mapred.local.dir</name>    <value>/mnt/disk/tmp</value></property>

Initially, we had two, comma-separated values for that property, with the first being the default value, but it still didn't work as expected (we still got some "No space left on device" errors). So we left only one value there.