Switching from Capacity Scheduler to Fair Scheduler on Hortonworks Data Platform Switching from Capacity Scheduler to Fair Scheduler on Hortonworks Data Platform hadoop hadoop

Switching from Capacity Scheduler to Fair Scheduler on Hortonworks Data Platform

On your RM node, set yarn.scheduler.fair.allocation.file with the full path of your fair-scheduler.xml (or in custom yarn-site under ambari)

tail -n 1000 /var/log/hadoop-yarn/yarn/hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager-master.log | grep "fair-scheduler.xml"

After a restart of your ResourceManager, you should see that it is loading your file:

2019-02-19 15:49:26,358 INFO  fair.AllocationFileLoaderService (AllocationFileLoaderService.java:reloadAllocations(230)) - Loading allocation file file:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/conf/fair-scheduler.xml

Works on Hdp 3.1.1, and probably 3.0.0 too