Unable to change read write permissions to hdfs directory Unable to change read write permissions to hdfs directory hadoop hadoop

Unable to change read write permissions to hdfs directory

First off, you shouldn't be writing into the /user folder directly nor set 777 on it

You're going to need a user directory for your current user to even run a mapreduce job, so you need to sudo su - hdfs first to become an HDFS superuser.

Then run these to create HDFS directories for your user account

 hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/chaithu hdfs dfs -chown -R chaithu /user/chaithu hdfs dfs -chmod -R 770 /user/chaithu

Then exit from the hdfs user, and chaithu can now write to its own HDFS directory.

hadoop fs -put test.txt

That alone will put the file in the current user's folder.

Or, if that's too much work for you write to /tmp instead

A lazy option is to rewrite your user account to the super user.

export HADOOP_USER_NAME=hdfs hadoop fs -put test.txt /user

And this is why hadoop is not secure or enforce user account access by default (i.e. never do this in production)

And finally, you can always just turn permissions completely off in hdfs-site.xml (again, only useful in development phases)

 <property>    <name>dfs.permissions</name>    <value>false</value>  </property>

If you observe your hdfs dfs -ls result you see that only HDFS super user have the permissions to that path.

you have two solutions here

One is to change the permissions to chaitu through root user and making chaitu as user or owner, something like this hdfs dfs -chown -R hdfs:chaitu /path then you will be able to get access to that being a owner. Other dirty way is to give hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /path from the root, from the security stand point this 777 is not good.

Second one is using ACLS which gives you the temporary access

Please go through this link for more understanding.

More on ACLS

This is so basic and important for you to learn, try the above suggested ones and let me know if those don’t work I can help more based on the error you get.