Unable to instantiate HiveMetaStoreClient Unable to instantiate HiveMetaStoreClient hadoop hadoop

Unable to instantiate HiveMetaStoreClient

Does {username} have the permissions to create/var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db ?

If it is a test cluster you could do

sudo chmod -R 777 /var/lib/hive/metastore/metastore_db

or chown it to the user running it.

Try removing the $HADOOP_HOME/build folder. I had same problem with hive-0.10.0 or above versions. Then I tried hive-0.9.0 and got a different set of errors. Luckily found this thread Hive doesn't work on install. Tried the same trick and it worked for me magically. I am using default derby db.

this is for permissions issue for hive folder. please de the following will work well.go to hive user ,for me hduser,sudo chmod -R 777 hive