VM cloudera - user cloudera and permissions? VM cloudera - user cloudera and permissions? hadoop hadoop

VM cloudera - user cloudera and permissions?

I had same issue with permissions -> chgrp: changing ownership of '/user/hive/warehouse/test/_log24310.txt': User does not belong to hive.

  1. Added the existing user named cloudera to existing group named hive with command: usermod -a -G hive cloudera
  2. Restarted the system
  3. Used Load Command and after that did a select * from table_name -> No data was getting displayed.
  4. Executed select count(*) from table_name and a MapReduce job got started.
  5. Executed select * from table and now results was returned correctly.
  6. Opened a impala shell using impala-shell command.
  7. Executed a select * from table_name and no results was getting returned.
  8. Executed command invalidate metadata in the impala-shell
  9. Executed command refresh table_name
  10. Executed command show tables
  11. Executed command select * from table_name and now results are getting displayed both in the impala-shell and hive shell.