Where are hadoop jar files in hadoop 2? [closed] Where are hadoop jar files in hadoop 2? [closed] hadoop hadoop

Where are hadoop jar files in hadoop 2? [closed]

Actually, I faced a similar issue in the beginning. Apparently, there is no hadoop-core.jar for version 2. You'll have to download the Hadoop Common and MapReduce Client Core jars and use them both. I am sure it'll solve your problems. Hope this helps!

Edit: I just updated the links such that people can choose the appropriate version from the repository since we now come way past the initial version 2.

Including JARs in folders listed below worked for me:

share\hadoop\common       share\hadoop\common\lib   share\hadoop\mapreduce    share\hadoop\mapreduce\libshare\hadoop\yarn         share\hadoop\yarn\lib   

hadoop-core-${HADOOP_VERSION}.jar is in


directory, not ${HADOOP_HOME} directory.