Where do I download all of the necessary classes to write Hadoop MapReduce jobs? [closed] Where do I download all of the necessary classes to write Hadoop MapReduce jobs? [closed] hadoop hadoop

Where do I download all of the necessary classes to write Hadoop MapReduce jobs? [closed]

I assume you're using java...

Here you can download it.http://hadoop.apache.org/common/releases.html#Download

If you're on 20.X, you'll just need to import (putting it into your classpath) the hadoop-0.20.X-core.jar in the "root" folder. If > 20.X you have to use three jars: hadoop-common-0.21.0.jar, hadoop-hdfs-0.21.0.jar, hadoop-mapred-0.21.0.

Obviously you have to replace the 'x' with the suffix of the version you're using.

You can use Maven repositories for that. I'm assuming you are using Java and Maven.
Repos are here: https://repository.cloudera.com/index.html