Where should Map put temporary files when running under Hadoop Where should Map put temporary files when running under Hadoop hadoop hadoop

Where should Map put temporary files when running under Hadoop

The problem with that approach is that the sort and shuffle is going to move your data away from where that data was localized.

I do not know much about your data but the distributed cache might work well for you

${mapred.local.dir}/taskTracker/archive/ : The distributed cache. This directory holds the localized distributed cache. Thus localized distributed cache is shared among all the tasks and jobs


"It is common for a MapReduce program to require one or more files to be read by each map or reduce task before execution. For example, you may have a lookup table that needs to be parsed before processing a set of records. To address this scenario, Hadoop’s MapReduce implementation includes a distributed file cache that will manage copying your file(s) out to the task execution nodes.

The DistributedCache was introduced in Hadoop 0.7.0; see HADOOP-288 for more detail on its origins. There is a great deal of existing documentation for the DistributedCache: see the Hadoop FAQ, the MapReduce Tutorial, the Hadoop Javadoc, and the Hadoop Streaming Tutorial. Once you’ve read the existing documentation and understand how to use the DistributedCache, come on back."