Why does my streaming command fail for MapReduce basic program? Why does my streaming command fail for MapReduce basic program? hadoop hadoop

Why does my streaming command fail for MapReduce basic program?

Thanks Lev Khomich for your reply. I have fixed this issue by mentioning file parameter in the command:

hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-0.20/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-0.20.2+737.jar \-input input/temperature -output output -mapper /home/cloudera/projects/max_temp/map.rb \-reducer /home/cloudera/projects/max_temp/reduce.rb \-file /home/cloudera/projects/words/map.rb \-file /home/cloudera/projects/words/reduce.rb

I have the same error with you, and fixed problem by copy 'map.rb' and 'reduce.rb' files to /tmp/, then run it with parms as -mapper /tmp/map.rb -reducer /tmp/reduce.rb