Why is homebrew Hadoop 2.3 not working OSX Mavericks? Why is homebrew Hadoop 2.3 not working OSX Mavericks? hadoop hadoop

Why is homebrew Hadoop 2.3 not working OSX Mavericks?

Based on the first line of the second message,

"14/05/05 21:19:27 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable"

I suppose that you're running hadoop in a 64 bit operating system. Hadoop is built from default in a 32 bit system, I had the same issue and the same message. What you have to do is re-build hadoop from the source on your system.

I suggest you to use the guide below, it's for the 2.2 version but it's ok for the 2.3 version too


Or the official guide
