Why Mahout doesn't yet have Linear Regression Why Mahout doesn't yet have Linear Regression hadoop hadoop

Why Mahout doesn't yet have Linear Regression

I don't know if there's a "why" to things like this. It just doesn't exist.

However I think it's the opposite of what you suppose; it's too "easy". Unless you're solving a solution of a ten million equations, it's probably not of a scale that Hadoop is called for. There are plenty of existing packages that can do this really well on one machine. If you want something also in Java from Apache just look at Commons Math for example.

Not to say there couldn't be a fine non-distributed version in the project, but since the emphasis is mostly big-scale and Hadoop, that's probably "why".

I think it's simply because NxN matrix inversion's complexity is O(N^3) and subject to numerical instability, which is quite common whith sparse high-dimensionnal matrices.

Does anyone have another explanation or can someone confirm my thoughts?