write an RDD into HDFS in a spark-streaming context write an RDD into HDFS in a spark-streaming context hadoop hadoop

write an RDD into HDFS in a spark-streaming context

You are using Spark Streaming in a way it wasn't designed. I'd either recommend drop using Spark for your use case, or adapt your code so it works the Spark way. Collecting the array to the driver defeats the purpose of using a distributed engine and makes your app effectively single-machine (two machines will also cause more overhead than just processing the data on a single machine).

Everything you can do with an array, you can do with Spark. So just run your computations inside the stream, distributed on the workers, and write your output using DStream.saveAsTextFiles(). You can use foreachRDD + saveAsParquet(path, overwrite = true) to write to a single file.

@vzamboni: Spark 1.5+ dataframes api has this feature :

dataframe.write().mode(SaveMode.Append).format(FILE_FORMAT).partitionBy("parameter1", "parameter2").save(path);