Yarn mini-cluster container log directories don't contain syslog files Yarn mini-cluster container log directories don't contain syslog files hadoop hadoop

Yarn mini-cluster container log directories don't contain syslog files

OK, finally happened to be about classpath, client configuration and packaging.

  1. Client configuration SHALL include proper classpath for YARN applications. In my case I have added the following lines to yarn-site.xml (please note $HADOOP_COMMON_HOME substitution):
<property>    <name>yarn.application.classpath</name>    <value>$HADOOP_COMMON_HOME/*,$HADOOP_COMMON_HOME/lib/*</value></property>
  1. I have added the following variable definition to mini-cluster start-up script (it worth to note I have all mini-cluster server-side JARS into ./lib relatively to mini-cluster startup script:


The root cause of not working logging was client map-reduce job starting inside new VM on YARN without knowledge where to locate hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager.jar which contains container-log4j.properties file which is in turn responsible for container default logging configuration. Now everything is working fine.