accessing heroku config var in my React app accessing heroku config var in my React app heroku heroku

accessing heroku config var in my React app

If you use Create React App (or react-scripts), prepend the variable with REACT_APP_, for instance, REACT_APP_BASE_URL, and Create React App automatically uses its value during the build process.

Note: You must not reveal any secrets, e.g. API keys or passwords, in this way. The actual contents of all these variables are appended to the production build files themselves and can be freely accessed by just reading the public-facing code files.

You have to use a module that loads environment variables. Then,


Check this post, pretty useful.

First install dotenv using yarn/npm

yarn add dotenv


npm install dotenv

Then create a .env file in parent directory of src folder and then add your key in .env file prefixed REACT_APP_ like


Now in your app.js configure dotenv


Now you can access your environmental variables with prefix process.env.REACT_APP_ like


you may need to restart the development server