Active Admin Gem - Rails 3.2.3, Heroku Error logs Active Admin Gem - Rails 3.2.3, Heroku Error logs heroku heroku

Active Admin Gem - Rails 3.2.3, Heroku Error logs

Try this two things:

config/environments/production.rb config.assets.compile = true 

in your gem file

gem "activeadmin", :git => "git://"

and bundle install

push to heroku and see it works

Move gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3' and gem 'pg' out of the assets group, bundle and try it again.I would do a mandatory rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=productionand add the public/assets updates to my commit.

If ever you want to rebuild your assets, just rm -rf public/assetsand run the asset precompile command again.

You can git rm public/assets --cached -randgit add public/assets

Do a commit and push to heroku.

I'm just guessing that you haven't run your migrations since the pg gem is tucked away in your assets group. You'd likely have gotten an error upon issuing heroku run rake db:migrate if you tried to run them under these conditions.

Also, I would advise putting your thin gem in production or global environment. Make sure you have a Procfile, otherwise heroku will use webrick.