Bundler: You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile Bundler: You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile heroku heroku

Bundler: You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile

I had a similar experience.

Here's how I solved it

Display a list of all your local gems for the bundler gem

gem list bundler

N/B: The command above is for rbenv version manager, the one for rvm might be different

This will display the versions of the bundler gem installed locally

bundler (2.1.4, default: 1.17.2)

Note: Your versions might differ from the one here

if you don't have bundler version 2 installed locally, then run

gem install bundler


gem install bundler -v 2.1.4

Note: Replace 2.1.4 with the version you want to install

if you have bundler version 2 already installed locally or just installed it, then you need to simply install an update for RubyGems Package Manager locally. To do this, run

gem update --system

And then finally run

bundle update --bundler

For Docker projects in Ruby on Rails

If you're experiencing this issue when trying to build your application using Docker, simply do this:

  1. Delete the Gemfile.lock file

  2. Please don't create it again by running bundle install.

  3. Run your docker build or docker-compose build command as appropriate to build your project.

This will re-create the Gemfile.lock file and setup the appropriate version of bundler necessary for your project in the Gemfile.lock file.

N/B: As a side note, you can also add this environment variable to your Dockerfile with the Bundler version defined.


That's all.

I hope this helps.

A bit late to the party but I just ran into this today as well, and this solution avoids having to uninstall Bundler: just run

heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/bundler/heroku-buildpack-bundler2

as per discussion on the Bundler issue here.

I had same issue on Local Machine(Development) as-

You must use Bundler 2 or greater with this lockfile.
The issue was with gemfile.lock because my local bundle version and project bundle version was not matching!Here is solution-

  1. I deleted gemfile.lock
  2. Run the command - bundle install
    That solved my problem, it is smooth!Hope will work for others!