Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform -- delayed_job on heroku Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform -- delayed_job on heroku heroku heroku

Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform -- delayed_job on heroku

A job is usually a ruby object with a method "perform", thus enqueuing a mailer deliver will not work, you will have to create a job object like this below,

 class SomeMailJob <, :contact_email)    def perform     OutboundMailer.deliver_campaign_email(contact,contact_email)   end end

Create a file some_mail_job.rb and place this in /lib


in above code, replace the enqueue statement with


If you don't need to pass other options to Delayed::Job.enqueue, then this is a simpler solution:


FYI delay used to be called send_later, depending on your delayed_job branch and version.