Can't push app Heroku - Failed to install gems via Bundler Can't push app Heroku - Failed to install gems via Bundler heroku heroku

Can't push app Heroku - Failed to install gems via Bundler

Just put your sqlite3 under text/development group in Gemfile, adding thin and pg in production gemfile group also:

  1. edit the Gemfile like following:

    gem 'sqlite3', :group => [:development, :test]group :production do  gem 'thin'  gem 'pg'end
  2. remove Gemfile.lock

  3. run bundle install --without production
  4. git add .
  5. git commit -am "bundle updating sqlite3"
  6. git push heroku +master

So, after a little talk with Heroku suporters, the "problem" was in taps gem - sqlite3 has an association to it. The working solution is:

group :development do  gem 'taps'  gem 'rvm'end

If you change Gemfile DO NOT forget

git add .git commint -m"ufff"


git push heroku master