Celery creating a new connection for each task Celery creating a new connection for each task heroku heroku

Celery creating a new connection for each task

I ran into the same problem on Heroku with CloudAMQP. I do not know why, but I had no luck when assigning low integers to the BROKER_POOL_LIMIT setting.

Ultimately, I found that by setting BROKER_POOL_LIMIT=None or BROKER_POOL_LIMIT=0 my issue was mitigated. According to the Celery docs, this disables the connection pool. So far, this has not been a noticeable issue for me, however I'm not sure if it might be for you.

Link to relevant info: http://celery.readthedocs.org/en/latest/configuration.html#broker-pool-limit

I wish I was using Redis, because there is a specific option to limit the number of connections: CELERY_REDIS_MAX_CONNECTIONS.

The MongoDB has a similar backend setting.

Given these backend settings, I have no idea what BROKER_POOL_LIMIT actually does. Hopefully CELERY_REDIS_MAX_CONNECTIONS solves your problem.

I'm one of those folks using CloudAMQP, and the AMQP backend does not have its own connection limit parameter.

Try those settings :