Deploy PHP to Heroku Deploy PHP to Heroku heroku heroku

Deploy PHP to Heroku

You need to create your Heroku app on the new Cedar stack. Cedar stack apps reside on the domain rather than, so you'll know if you've got the right one. Then it's really as simple as pushing your PHP files. To create an app on the Cedar stack, use:

heroku create

Or, if you'd like to set a name, (i.e. use:

heroku create myapp

For the benefit of others who are not as au fait with Git, you will also need to set up, commit and push your Git repository:

git initgit add .git commit -m 'Initial commit'git push heroku master

That's it! Good luck and have fun.

You don't need to do anything - just push your PHP code up and Heroku magic will occur - I'm no PHP guru but recently had to deploy a PHP site and I just pushed the code as is to a new Cedar app, no changing of directory structures etc and it works.

Heroku now has a guide for deploying PHP, Getting Started with PHP on Heroku, which explains that Heroku depends on Composer.