Django Channel 2 with Daphne on Heroku crash on starting Django Channel 2 with Daphne on Heroku crash on starting heroku heroku

Django Channel 2 with Daphne on Heroku crash on starting

Your Procfile should have this instead :

release: python3 makemigrations && python3 migrateweb: daphne domecode.asgi:application --port $PORT --bind -v2worker: python3 runworker channel_layer -v2

channel_layer instead of channels. Why? Well, look at your settings again, you've declared CHANNEL_LAYER there which you run locally on a Redis instance on Docker. However when deploying you can't run it on Docker ( I mean you technically can use Docker Swarms on Digital Ocean or AWS, I'm not sure how it works on Heroku ) so you need to change it to channel_layer.

Have you created an instance of the process web in heroku?You can do it in command line : heroku ps:scale worker=1

Give worker in Procfile as:

worker: python runworker channels --settings=<project-name>.settings -v2