Fails to push to Heroku: Sprockets::FileNotFound: could not find application.css Fails to push to Heroku: Sprockets::FileNotFound: could not find application.css heroku heroku

Fails to push to Heroku: Sprockets::FileNotFound: could not find application.css

I contacted Heroku and they described it as a slug cache issue. Clearing the cache using purge_cache solved it.

According to researches there may be some options: 1) Just set config.serve_static_assets to true 2) make a rake assets:precompile before pushing , also see if you got any errors3) .git file corrupted in git directory

I know that question was asked regarding Heroku but I stumbled upon the same issue on EngineYard and found a solution as well. Since I still have a low rep and I am unable to add this as a comment I am posting this as an answer although for a slightly different question...

Firstly make sure your assets are not being compiled at all (because this is where error occurs). Simply add those two lines to /config/ey.yml

precompile_assets: falseprecompile_unchanged_assets: false

Then deploy your code with rake task: rake tmp:cache:clear (clears tmp/cache) or rake tmp:clear (clears all cache and sockets files)