Fetching Apollo Server on Heroku return "forward is not a function" Fetching Apollo Server on Heroku return "forward is not a function" heroku heroku

Fetching Apollo Server on Heroku return "forward is not a function"

I think, if you sending GraphQL queries to a REST endpoint (that's what I assume from RestLink usage) you may need to change slightly your queries.

You may find the examples here; https://www.apollographql.com/docs/link/links/rest/#quick-start

@rest directive is used within the queries to specify the end point. Like following;

const query = gql`  query luke {   person @rest(type: "Person", path: "people/1/") {   name  } }`;

I don't know how your backend is designed and I have never used GraphQL with REST backend but I hope it is helpful.

If your backend is not a REST service may be you should not use RestLink and simply specify the URI within the ApolloClient constructor.