Heroku 403 Forbidden Error Heroku 403 Forbidden Error heroku heroku

Heroku 403 Forbidden Error

Ehhmm so I found the solution.

My Procfile had a .txt extension (so Procfile.txt) whereas it needs to be only Procfile.

Quit a silly mistake but I thought I should leave the answer here for future reference. Maybe it will save time from someone else.

I was also having the same problem because I was not having any index.php file in the root folder so I did not get anything, resulting in that error. If you have same problem then after the heroku app url just type your homepage php file. For example - app/custom.php .

Extremely strange error!Procfile wasn't the cause of issue for me.

For some reason, it fixed when I made an empty directory called "app" inside my root folder.