Heroku - Created a facebook app with Node.js which gives type error Heroku - Created a facebook app with Node.js which gives type error heroku heroku

Heroku - Created a facebook app with Node.js which gives type error

This appears to be an issue with the faceplate module. It is described here: https://github.com/heroku/faceplate/pull/20

You have two options to get around the issue:

  1. Propose a fix to faceplate that works within the constraints of the Facebook application security here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ApplicationSecurity/

  2. Take your Facebook app out of sandbox mode.

This seems to be issue with sandbox mode. Disable sandbox mode. Here is the steps how you can do it. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps.

click "Edit Settings"

and selected radio button "disabled" for the "Sanbox Mode" under "basic info".

Hope this helps.

The error message points to what needs to be known

Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

<title><%= app.name %></title>

app is undefined. Probably want to check your web.js file to see what app is up to.

And ensure you have the latest node template for Heroku.
