Heroku custom domains on Cloudflare: Too many redirects Heroku custom domains on Cloudflare: Too many redirects heroku heroku

Heroku custom domains on Cloudflare: Too many redirects

Im my case setting Crypto -> SSL Flexible to Full did the trick.

I experienced the same issue on a site recently, also using Heroku and Cloudflare and SSL.

In our case, the solution was that we had to set the SSL option in Cloudflare under Crypto > SSL to Flexible. We had it on Full, which was causing the site to try to use CloudFlare's SSL certificate. It didn't work with the SSL option set to Off.

Unfortunately, no conclusive solution (but big thanks to Heroku for technical help).

Managed to resolve issue by rolling back and trying again:

  • Transferring DNS back to Godaddy
  • Wiping domain from Cloudflare
  • Ensuring functionality with Godaddy
  • Create domain on Cloudflare
  • Transfer to Cloudflare again

Now all working as planned.