Heroku: docker deploy throws unauthorized: authentication required Heroku: docker deploy throws unauthorized: authentication required heroku heroku

Heroku: docker deploy throws unauthorized: authentication required

The same error occurred to me. I just ran the command below and it worked.

heroku container:login

Yes, as the original answer points out first run

heroku container:login

But also ensure that the docker image is tagged correctly with the following naming convention:

docker tag <image> registry.heroku.com/<app>/<process-type>

<app> should exactly match your apps name in the dashboard of Heroku.

Additional information: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/container-registry-and-runtime#pushing-an-existing-image

docker hub login before

heroku container:login

andheroku container:push web --app app_name

heroku container:release web --app app_name

worked for me