Heroku Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded): How do I solve this? Heroku Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded): How do I solve this? heroku heroku

Heroku Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded): How do I solve this?

Look for code with 'Model.all.each do |something|' and replace with Model.find_each do |something|. This will save memory by loading chunks of your model into memory instead of the entire model all at once.

Also, look for opportunities to use in_groups_of or :limit to decrease the number of objects that are saved in memory at one time.

EDIT: for_each -> find_each.

I had this problem .. to solved using find_in_batches.

If someone still has this error i will put the code here.As it takes long time to run, i found a progress_bar gem that help the user. will let it here too cause i think its mandatory in almost every case.

bar = ProgressBar.new( total )Texto.find_in_batches(:batch_size => 100) do |textos|    textos.each{| texto |         ...do_stuff...    }    bar.increment! textos.sizeend

Progress Bar:https://github.com/paul/progress_bar/issues

Heroku specifies a RAM limit per dyno in its Acceptable Use Policy.

You could use memprof, specifically Memprof::Middleware, to help find out what's allocating all the memory in your app during requests. This is really only suitable for use in a non-production environment, since it'll slow down your app.

It's common for a Rails app to be allocating many ActiveRecord objects, so you might look for places where you're doing Model.find(:all).select{...}, or similar queries that pull a lot of records from the DB and then process them in Ruby. Better would be to use where to limit what is returned to the Rails app using SQL.