Heroku installation error in windows Heroku installation error in windows heroku heroku

Heroku installation error in windows

I was also getting the same error. I finally resolved it by changing the Path variable.

  • Escape the ampersand with a caret (^)

    C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Fabric 1.5.4^&MySQL Utilities 1.5.4 1.5\;

Note: Replace all occurrence of & by ^&. There could be 2 or more occurrence.

This is failing due to a bug in Heroku launcher script as it doesn’t properly escape ampersands in the PATH environment variable.
You might have an & sign possibly in your MySQL path for MySQL Fabric & MySQL Utilities
source: https://discussion.heroku.com/t/heroku-installation-error/1149

I changed the order i.e. Place the Heroku path in front of the path for MYSQLin the PATH environment variable.

It enabled my toolbelt to login. using the command heroku login.I still see the below message displayed, but login was successful: 'MySQL' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.