Heroku kind of hosting for simple HTML/JS applications Heroku kind of hosting for simple HTML/JS applications heroku heroku

Heroku kind of hosting for simple HTML/JS applications

These should answer your question:

  1. Static Sites on Heroku Cedar

    First, lets turn your site into a PHP "application":

    $ touch index.php

    Next, we can fully disable Apache's PHP engine:

    $ echo 'php_flag engine off' > .htaccess

    When you push this up, you'll have a bare Apache instance serving up the contents of your site to the world. Best yet, you can do all of the stupid .htaccess tricks that you could on on any traditional shared hosting platform.

  2. heroku-static-site

    A simple ruby + rack application for serving a basic static website

You might also want to check out github pages which provides free static hosting that can be updated with just a git push. The advantage of github pages over Heroku is that there won't be any Dyno Idling.