heroku local static not found heroku local static not found heroku heroku

heroku local static not found

The solution that works for me (after 24 hours+):

1) install the most recent stable version of whitenoise (I was working from an old example, which required whitenoise==2.0.6)

2) make sure you add whitenoise to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:

MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = (    'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware',)

Note: adding 'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware' to the middleware class when using whitenoise==2.0.6 will throw an error. You will need to upgrade to the latest stable version (currently whitenoise==3.1)

I am going to assume these admin files are the ones from the Django admin app. Without seeing your project, my best guesses for where you should troubleshoot next are:

1) Check that django.contrib.admin is in your INSTALLED_APPS.

2) Are you changing the DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE setting? This will interfere with the STATICFILES_FINDERS potentially.

3) Check all of the static files settings, if you are overriding any of them, make sure there are no caveats.

If you post your entire settings.py file, I would have a much better shot at debugging your issue.