Heroku Redis logs are noisy - how can they be filtered out? Heroku Redis logs are noisy - how can they be filtered out? heroku heroku

Heroku Redis logs are noisy - how can they be filtered out?

There are a few options. You can select which dyno you want :

heroku logs --source app --dyno web

Or you can use one of the heroku log addons, which provide more advanced filtering and retention.

I've had the same situation and solve it using the answer by @Christian Rondeau, thanks a lot man!

But I would like to add some details for the for newbies (like me).

First of all I strongly recommend to get acquainted with the documentation (it's quite short)

All the dynos in you application you can found in the general logs. For example in my case I didn't have 'web' dyno but had 'clock'

2018-08-06T12:15:27+00:00 app[heroku-redis]: source=REDIS addon=redis-animated-99682 blablabla2018-08-06T12:16:09.303680+00:00 app[clock.1]: Start request in 06.08.2018 12:08:09

, so

heroku logs -d clock

works fine for me