Heroku run Docker image with port parameter Heroku run Docker image with port parameter heroku heroku

Heroku run Docker image with port parameter

The question is quite old now, but still I will write my answer here if it can be of some help to others.

I have spring-boot App along with swagger-ui Dockerized and deployed on Heroku.

This is my application.yml looks like:

server:  port: ${PORT:8080}  forward-headers-strategy: framework  servlet:   contextPath: /my-appspringdoc:  swagger-ui:    path: '/swagger-ui.html'

Below is my DockerFile configuration.

FROM maven:3.5-jdk-8 as maven_buildWORKDIR /appCOPY pom.xml .RUN mvn clean package -Dmaven.main.skip -Dmaven.test.skip && rm -r targetCOPY src ./srcRUN mvn package spring-boot:repackage########run stage########FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpineWORKDIR /appRUN apk add --no-cache bashCOPY --from=maven_build /app/target/springapp-1.1.1.jar ./#run the app# 256m was necessary for me, as I am using free version so Heroku was giving me memory quota limit exception therefore, I restricted the limit to 256mENV JAVA_OPTS "-Xmx256m"ENTRYPOINT  ["java","${JAVA_OPTS}", "-jar","-Dserver.port=${PORT}", "springapp-1.1.1.jar"]

The commands I used to create the heroku app:

heroku createheroku stack:set container

The commands I used to build image and deploy:

docker build -t app-image .heroku container:push webheroku container:release web

Finally make sure on Heroku Dashboard the dyno information looks like this:

web java \$\{JAVA_OPTS\} -jar -Dserver.port\=\$\{PORT\} springapp-1.1.1.jar

After all these steps, I was able to access the swagger-ui via


Your Docker container is required to listen to HTTP traffic in the port specified by Heroku.

Looking at the Dockerfile in the Github repo for swaggerapi/swagger-ui, it looks like it already supports the PORT environment variable: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/blob/be72c292cae62bcaf743adc6236707962bc60bad/Dockerfile#L13

So maybe you don't really need to do anything?It looks like this image would just work, if shipped to Heroku as a web app.