How do I uninstall this buildpack in Heroku? How do I uninstall this buildpack in Heroku? heroku heroku

How do I uninstall this buildpack in Heroku?

In the current version of heroku (v3.1.0 as of this writing) you can use heroku buildpacks:remove [BUILDPACK_URL]

Typing heroku buildpacks help lists the available commands:

  buildpacks:add BUILDPACK_URL       #  add new app buildpack, inserting into list of buildpacks if neccessary  buildpacks:clear                   #  clear all buildpacks set on the app  buildpacks:remove [BUILDPACK_URL]  #  remove a buildpack set on the app  buildpacks:set BUILDPACK_URL       #  set new app buildpack, overwriting into list of buildpacks if neccessary


heroku config:unset BUILDPACK_URL

Running heroku config:unset and heroku buildpacks:remove did not work for me. However, simply running heroku buildpacks:clear did restore everything to its default state. Then, on the next git push heroku, the appropriate buildpack is added on the fly.