how to run phantomjs on heroku? how to run phantomjs on heroku? heroku heroku

how to run phantomjs on heroku?

Download the 64-bit linux binary file from here

Create a bin/ directory in your app if you do not already have one and place the binary file there. You should then be able to test if you can run it with "heroku run 'phantomjs'" or "heroku run 'bin/phantomjs'"

For phantomjs with javascript

I dont know if the previous examples are actually necessary becasue although i am working with javascript it should not be different. For me all i had to do was place the phantomjs buildpack as the first on the list of installed buildpacks on your master.

check available buildpacks

open terminal from the app folder and type:

heroku buildpacks

This wll show the available


As you can see the buildpack is second on this list. We need tomake it the first in the list.So, what i did was i removed the phantomjs builpack and then add it again but this time made sure its first on the list of all available buildpacks.

So, to remove a buildpack, type:

heroku buildpacks:remove

this removes the buildpack.You can check it by typing:

heroku buildpacks

Now, it should only show,


Great, now we add the phantomjs buildackmaking sure its first . So on terminal type:

heroku buildpacks:add --index 1

You can check if its first by typing:

heroku buildpacks

Now, it should be ,


Thats It!!

now, on terminal , type:

heroku run bash

once you're in bash, type

phantomjs --version

The current verion of phantomjs should be shown on the terminal.
