I am trying to git push heroku but have been getting the same error below I am trying to git push heroku but have been getting the same error below heroku heroku

I am trying to git push heroku but have been getting the same error below

For anyone else who lands here...

I had the same exact error, and in my case it was because of errors in my Gemfile.

The Gemfile causing the errors:

source "http://rubygems.org"require 'gem-name-here'require 'another-gem-here'

Which should've been:

source "http://rubygems.org"gem 'gem-name-here'gem 'another-gem-here'

(I copied the "require" lines from the ruby script file I was working on, and forgot to change them to say "gem" instead.)

My error was a deprecation comment caused by a rake task. I could trigger the deprecation error with:

rake assets:precompile --dry-run

Fixing the rake task (or just commenting it out) fixed the Heroku deploy.

I spent half a day on this and realized I had added a gem that had a .yml file with configurations for different environments. I had forgotten that my Heroku environment was a custom one that I had created called "staging" and the .yml file didn't define it.