Is there a working nodejs/phantomjs Heroku buildpack? Is there a working nodejs/phantomjs Heroku buildpack? heroku heroku

Is there a working nodejs/phantomjs Heroku buildpack?

I also ran into the same problem, the way I fixed it was by using this "Multiple Buildpack" Buildpack. Then in my .buildpacks file I put the following:

Finally, you want to add PhantomJS to the path

heroku config:set PATH=$PATH:vendor/phantomjs/bin

I hope this helps.

Here's a PhantomJS buildpack:

I also am able to run the x86_64 build of PhamtomJS, just stuck in my app's vendor directory:

Heroku Toolbelt now has first class support for multiple buildpacks, so you can get a working Node and PhantomJS setup with the following:

heroku buildpacks:set

heroku buildpacks:add --index 1