My React front-end is unable to call my node-express backend server, the fullstack app is deployed in heroku My React front-end is unable to call my node-express backend server, the fullstack app is deployed in heroku heroku heroku

My React front-end is unable to call my node-express backend server, the fullstack app is deployed in heroku

If your React application is served from your Node.JS application as you said, you could just use window.location. window.location is an object that stores statistics about the current page that the user is on, and you could use that to construct a URL and send the server a request, like so:

// This URL uses a template literal, which is a new feature of ES6.// All but Internet Explorer supports it.// This is using window.location.protocol, which is either `http:` or `https:`,// depending on the protocol that the page was loaded with. is the host that the page was loaded from, with the port number.const postUrl =  `${window.location.protocol}//${}/post`;// And then requesting with the URL.addData = () => {  console.log(postUrl);  console.log(process.env, "AS");, this.state.form)    .then((response) => {      this.setState({errorMessage: "",successMessage:});    })    .catch((err) => {            this.setState({successMessage: "",errorMessage:});    });}